I have an entire package of 3x5 photo paper leftover from the days I used to print my photos at home, and then I realized how expensive it was to buy the ink, much cheaper to do it at the store, if at all.
On the left is Tim Holtz/Ranger Alcohol ink and Metallic Mixative with Alcohol Blending Solution on the BACK of the paper. The photo paper had the brand (Epson) written all over it but the ink covered the logo. I used the same colors pm both.
On the right is the FRONT of the paper, where the photo would normally be printed. The ink didn't want to move and the Metallic Mixative just sat on top, you can see how it's dotted all over.
On both I put some blending solution down, added the alcohol ink and used a blower to move the inks. I then took a piece of felt attached to a blending tool, dotted it with the Metallic Mixative and a few drops of blending solution, started stamping it over the alcohol ink. Usually if I put a few drops of blending solution on the felt it leaves those pretty spots that mottle the ink. You can see it on the left paper but not so much on the right.
In my opinion, the backside works better. I like the Yupo paper better, it's lightweight, good for diecutting and attaching to cardstock, etc. but the photo paper is a nice alternative. And it's cheaper, especially if you already have it! Others have said Yupo takes less ink but I have no way to judge this, unless I start measuring the amount of ink I use:)